Emergency Dentistry – San Diego, CA


When it comes to emergencies, they always seem to strike at the most inconvenient times. But regardless of when they occur, it's crucial to seek immediate help and treatment. Time is of the essence in these situations, as prompt treatment greatly reduces the risk of permanent damage or complications. At Sorrento Dental Care, Dr. Mojdeh Abbasian understands the urgency associated with such unforeseen circumstances, which is why we offer on-call service for dental emergencies. If you ever find yourself urgently requiring our care, rest assured that we will do everything possible to see you as quickly as possible. Whether you're dealing with a throbbing toothache, have experienced a dental trauma causing your tooth to dislodge or break, or are in need of specialized procedures like root canals or extractions, Dr. Mojdeh Abbasian will carefully assess your condition and swiftly perform the necessary procedures to alleviate your pain while restoring and protecting your precious smile.




Same-day appointments available


Compassionate approach


Experienced and caring dental team




One of the most common dental emergencies is a toothache, which can range from mild discomfort to excruciating pain. It may be caused by various factors such as tooth decay, gum infection, or even a cracked tooth. The pain may range from mild discomfort to severe throbbing and can make it difficult to eat, sleep, or focus on daily activities. It is essential to seek immediate dental care for a toothache to identify the root cause and alleviate the pain. 

Knocked-out tooth

One of the most distressing dental emergencies is when a tooth gets completely knocked out. Whether due to sports injuries or unexpected falls, this situation calls for quick action. Carefully pick up the dislodged tooth without touching its root and gently rinse off any dirt. Try to reinsert it into its socket while holding it by the crown before seeking professional help. Permanent teeth have the highest chance of being saved when reinserted within an hour of being knocked out.


Broken/cracked teeth

Chomping on hard foods, an unfortunate fall, or biting down on something unexpected can lead to broken or cracked teeth. This dental emergency not only causes severe pain but also exposes sensitive nerves and increases the risk of infections. So, it's crucial to gather all available fragments of the damaged tooth and visit your dentist in San Diego, CA, promptly for proper evaluation and treatment options. Seeking prompt attention from a dentist will help prevent further damage and restore your tooth's appearance and function.

Lost filling/crown

Losing a filling or crown might not seem like an urgent issue at first glance but could result in significant discomfort if ignored. Without their protective barrier in place, your teeth become vulnerable to sensitivity and further damage since they lack their usual support structure. However, this dental emergency can be resolved by seeking professional help from your dentist. They will replace the filling or reattach the crown using adhesive materials, restoring both functionality and aesthetics to your teeth.


Abscessed Tooth

Imagine waking up with an excruciating toothache that seems to radiate pain throughout your entire jawline or swelling on your face near the affected tooth. These are the symptoms of an abscessed tooth – a dental emergency caused by an infection within the root canal system or between gums and teeth. This condition requires immediate attention from a dentist. Treatment may involve draining pus pockets through root canal therapy or gum incision and cleaning procedures known as scaling and root planing.


Dental emergencies can be unpredictable, but they don't have to be stressful or unnecessarily painful. When a sudden accident damages your teeth, having a plan of action in place is crucial for staying calm and obtaining the necessary care to restore your smile. At Sorrento Dental Care, we understand the urgency of dental emergencies, which is why our team is ready to provide immediate assistance. So, if you find yourself in need of prompt dental care, trust us with your oral health by contacting us.


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San Diego, CA

5830 Oberlin Dr Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121

Email: drabbasian@sorrentodentalcare.com

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  • MON9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • WEDClosed
  • THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRI7:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
(858) 453-4003